Friday Fun

This Friday did not start out fun.

Last night I battled an awful migraine that I think started because I jarred my spine out of alignment (no fun!). But my loving husband who is such a sweetheart took care of me all night, this morning, and during his lunch hour. I can’t imagine how much worse I would have felt without his tender care and encouragement to take my medicine, take a Epsom salt soak (which is a muscle-saver, let me tell you!), do some deep breathing, and to try to relax and sleep.

Thankfully, after doing multiple stretches, positions, and exercises my mom sent me on Pinterest (you can check out my Health and Wellness board here!), I am finally feeling human again- cue the Beauty and the Beast song here ; ). Though I hate it when I am knocked out like that, God uses those moments of sickness to remind me that I am not in control, that He is my almighty Healer, and that sometimes my focus needs to be re-aligned to Him.

Friday Fun | Devotionals, Development, and Delving In! |

Being out for so long also gave me the chance to do some dreaming and serious thinking about my blog. It is going to be a lot of work, but I cannot wait to jump into to this next stage of blogging and growing my little space on the web.

In the next few weeks, keep posted to see some new things on the blog- including FREEBIES, downloadable organizational charts, practical homemaking tips (I’m learning as I go!), and some spiritual encouragement that has been instrumental in my life as a young newlywed wife!

I am also trying to learn as much as I can about the behind-the-scenes aspect of blogging and get into a more diligent schedule. Now that I am volunteering several afternoons a week at our home church (yay for getting plugged-in!), I am going to commit to posting Monday, Wednesday, Friday– so you can count on me being present on the blog then!

I am so very excited for what is coming up in the future- both for my blog and in the life of me and my love! Now that I am feeling better, have a plan of action for the blog, and have the weekend ahead of me, I can’t wait to have some fun : ). Someone said it’s city-wide garage sales in TWO of the surrounding towns this weekend! Hopefully my love and I can snag some good deals ; )

What is your Friday Fun? Have any big plans for the weekend?

Save Money- with NO Coupons

It’s been a very windy day here in our Wonderful Wurld- much moreso than any other day that I’ve lived here. It might not have been my best planning to attempt to go on an hour round trip to the grocery store solo today (I already hate driving 70 miles an hour, let alone having my car rocked the whole time). However, faced with two busy afternoons ahead serving at our home church, it was either go buy food or eat very small, sad meals the rest of the week and completely empty our cabinets and fridge.

Save Money While you Shop- No Couponing Required! With just two easy apps, you can earn money on purchases you already have to make! Read about it on the blog. |

So I made my list, attempted to set up my printer to print off a bunch of coupons, failed to set up said printer (that’s what happens when I procrastinate), promptly forgot the list on the counter, and made my way to through semi-truck heavy traffic. Thankfully, I had no troubles finding my way to the store (….this time-when I attempted this trip last week I failed and got lost), could sort of recall by memory my grocery list, and had my wonderful money-saving apps on hand.

If you are a newlywed wife like me, trying to save some money wherever you can, then you should have both ibotta and Checkout 51 apps downloaded on your phone (no, this is not a sponsored post- I just love them!). Checkout 51 can be used at any store; simply check off which items you might buy (it changes every week!) and once you purchase them, scan your receipt and make money! ibotta is similar, but it is organized by particular store (I use Walmart, Walgreens, and the Dollar Tree the most). Every item has a certain rebate attached to it (ranging from $.20-$3.00) and once you hit a certain amount of rebates earned, you can have it added to a Paypal account or uploaded to a gift card.

Each one has its perks over the other; but the best news is that you can use them together to get two times the money! Checkout 51 has a much smaller selection and a higher minimum amount ($20) but you have the freedom to buy things at any store- this really helps me since the stores closest to me are not available on ibotta. ibotta does have a much greater product choice and you can make money faster- plus they run promotions where you get extra rebate money for hitting certain goals! However, to unlock most rebates for items you have to answer a simple poll question or watch a 30 second video whereas with Checkout 51 you simply click to unlock.

How great is it that you can earn some money on purchases you have to make anyway? I think it’s awesome! Between both apps and just two weeks of a little grocery shopping, I have made almost $10! And that’s with me not using any other coupons in conjunction with the apps.

If you are interested in trying it out ibotta, click here or download the app. You can enter the referral code kxgegsq and we will become friends on the app and help make each other money as a team!

For Checkout 51, click here or download the app (you get a bonus $1 just for signing up!).

I wanted to share these apps because I feel a little satisfaction every time I scan an item and save some money- and I want you to feel that too! Eventually, as I learn more of the tricks of the trade of couponing, I will save more money and share what I have learned. For now, though, I am happy with the little progress I have made- and my love thinks it is awesome.

Do you have any money-saving tips or helpful apps you use? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Fun, Fear, and the Future

Life has been quite busy the last week- and our calendar shows it is only going to get busier!

Fun, Fear, and the Future

From meetings with the bank to join our accounts, to meetings with our realtor to look at our first house together (and several more after that!), to serving at church in various capacities, to meetings about different events going on at church- it seems every evening and afternoon has some sort of important event going on! The month of August will only continue the craziness, as we will serve in our church’s Vacation Bible School, my love has an out-of-country business trip, I have a visit with my family back home, and we have our first joint vacation as a married couple with my family -something I have looked forward to all year!

This weekend was a chance to take a deep breath and plan out our schedules and decide what is feasible for us to hope to accomplish and what will be too much of a stretch. It also included a few serious conversations about finances and the possibilities of buying a house.

buying a house

It’s both an exciting and terrifying concept.

My love and I have known that we didn’t want to be apartment dwellers forever. We wanted a place to create, design, reconstruct, and make our very own. We both are go-getters with dreams and plans. My love knows how much I love to decorate and design, and wants a space where I can do that. With every house I look at, I see it as though all the hard work and renovations have already been done- and most of the time, its a gorgeous result (in my mind anyway!). My love wants to put his hand and skills to work to make something and create a home for us. We knew buying a house that needed a little work was in our future. And we dreamed up all the fun things we would do once we had our own place.

But now the future doesn’t seem so far away. And all the ideas of fun are being set aside as we contemplate (with a little fear) everything that is included in home-buying. We both sat down with our computers last night and started charts. My love’s is filled with researched numbers and prices about home renovations, mortgage costs, insurance, and the like. Mine is a very high level concepts-to-consider chart that I tried to make it a little pretty. Over the course of the next week (and in the midst of all our meetings and plans) we both want to add to and develop our charts further.

To Buy or Not to Buy Decision Chart

I hope to discuss some of my columns and chart details later this week!

When it comes down to it, we can’t foresee the future. But we know Who can.

And we know that we can go to Him Who holds our very lives in the palm of His hand and ask for guidance and direction in our lives. Ultimately, we want to glorify God in every action- which very much includes buying a house or deciding to wait and rent. Praying that we seek Christ first in the midst of everything this week!

Have you felt those fun yet increasingly fearful feelings of first-time home-buying? Do you have any tips for newbies? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Pinterest Pining: Discovering Discontentment

Pinterest Pining

Pinterest is a wonderful tool.

It was irreplaceable in coming up with my wedding theme, décor ideas, chalkboard inspiration, and for finding wedding planning tips and checklists (you can see the results of some of my Pinterest inspired pretties here– and check out my wedding board here!). I added my mom and sister to a board so we could all share ideas, then pinned the best ideas to a final board. I really can’t imagine planning my wedding without Pinterest. It also is so helpful in coming up with gluten-free dinners and keeping my favorite tried & true recipes easy to access (most of the meals I make for me and my love come from Pinterest- check out my board here). With my blogs, Pinterest has been the best source to find tips, tricks, formats, and themes from people I am more inclined to trust than simply the results of a Google search.

I really love Pinterest. It has become an integral part in different areas of my life. But sometimes, it does more harm than good. Other than the high possibility of becoming a time-waster, I’ve come to realize that…

Sometimes Pinterest leads to pining over what I don’t have and discontentment about what I do.

I get frustrated that my attempt at something does not look as perfect as the picture in the tutorial- especially true when I worked at making my own wedding décor.
I feel inadequate when I read articles about life topics- why does everyone have it all together except for me?
I grow discontent with my closet and feel frumpy in my style after seeing so many pictures of gorgeous outfits on beautiful models.
I feel incompetent when I read blog-advice with intelligent authors and their attractive images and immense knowledge. Why can’t I figure out this little part of my blog when others can do sooooo much more?

The negative feelings stemming from an array of subjects goes on. Maybe you have felt the same way. Sometimes I catch myself and dispel the lies I find myself believing. Other times I fail to realize my deception and it negatively affects my mood.

When I was planning out wedding, I knew that it would never look like the pictures I was pinning. My location and budget just didn’t allow for all of that. But I still hoped it would. I would be disappointed and dissatisfied with the fact that my wedding would never be on that level of Pinterest-worthiness. Every time a craft I tried didn’t go exactly as I had planned or was far harder than the pin made it seem, I would get frustrated. Discontent. Angry. I would have a little temper tantrum of “why can’t I do anything right? Why does it have to be like this? Why is it so hard? Why am I failing?”. My mom was sweet enough to frequently remind me of reality and of what really mattered. I was making these things for my wedding! The things I crafted were special because I put the work into it myself. And the most important parts of the day weren’t the decorations, the displays, the tablescapes; I was marrying my best friend, committing our life together to Christ, and celebrating it with our friends and family.

Ultimately, when I looked over the reception hall that Friday evening before the wedding, I was so thankful and elated with the results! My family, fiancé, and best friend helped me pull it all together and I had the satisfaction of knowing I had dreamed/designed/crafted/completed my vision on a low budget. I forgot about the Pinterest standard, the perfect pictures, all the pining I did for perfectionistic expectations.

Reception Hall Shot

I was content- because I realized and decided that sometimes,

Pinterest breeds unrealistic standards and discontentment.
The purpose and process mattered more than the product.

I still find myself battling the discontentment war with my reality and the Perfect land of Pinterest. But I have learned firsthand that perfection isn’t always best. Personalization is best 🙂 . I am still going to use the amazing tool of Pinterest. But sometimes, I have to shut down my computer, put down my phone, and clear my head of the expectations I have- and remember to have fun!

Have you pined over Pinterest and discovered discontentment? I would love to hear how you battle it!

Happy 2 Months! A Look Back

Today marks two months of blissful marriage to the love of my life!

It is crazy how two months seems like two years’ worth of adventures, memories, and marriage! I had no idea what marriage would be like, but my few fuzzy, pessimistic views of what it could be have been completely turned around and proven false. Marriage is amazing, my husband is far more fantastic than I ever thought, and our life is a wonderful world that Christ has richly blessed. Today I am offering praise upon praise for all our God has given to, provided for, guided through, and revealed to us in the last two months. My relationship with my husband has grown deep roots and has blossomed into more than I ever thought could be possible; my Savior has worked endlessly on my heart through marriage; and I look to the future with excitement and amazement that our journey together has only just begun!

Today, as I look back through our wedding pictures, I am particularly marveling at just how many months of planning, preparation, and hard work that went into the wedding were so quickly forgotten as we moved on from engagement to marriage. But how much that work consumed me a few months ago! I wanted our wedding to be pretty and perfect, something remembered by friends and family, and something that showcased the sweet love between me and my husband-to-be.

Tomorrow my topic is going to be Pinterest Pining- Discovering Discontentment, as it was an important lesson I learned during the wedding planning process. So today I thought it fitting to show the results of what all my Pinterest planning for the wedding came to. We were on a tight budget so I made everything myself, from the bunting, to the sweetheart table, to all the flower arrangements, to the wedding programs. We used all the old handkerchiefs I had collected through the years- as well as other antique doilies and fabric coverings- to decorate with, as well as ball jars and white vases I had been hoarding and buying for cheap at thrift stores. I made cards with verses pertaining to love and marriage to place on all the tables, inside which our guests could write well-wishes or advice for us newlyweds. And lots of chalkboards to direct our guests! The end result was far better than I could have ever dreamed- even if it took us two days to decorate the old, outdated, ugly church basement.

Welcome Table

Table Centerpiece

Seating Sign (Chalk)

IceCream Bar

Bubble Send Off

Reception Hall

Tonight my love and I will celebrate this little milestone in our life together and laugh at how far we have already come in such a short time. I cannot wait to look back years from now and smile at our relationship and all the changes and challenges we have made and tackled together. What a Wonderful W(u)rld we are living in!

Deal or No Deal: Comprehending Compromise

If you polled the question “what are some things that are key to a good marriage?” I am certain compromise would make that list eventually. We can’t always have our way in marriage. As I spoke about here, selfishness causes great harm to a marriage; simply having a selfish mindset (without necessarily taking any actions) creates a breeding ground for defensiveness and me-first attitudes.

But what is compromise and how does it work in a marriage? According to the Merriam Webster dictionary

compromise (noun)

:a way of reaching agreement in which each person or group gives up something that was wanted in order to end an argument or dispute
: something that combines the qualities of two different things

I personally think the second definition is more applicable to what I am ultimately getting at, though the first one- a giving up of something- also applies in different situations. My relationship to my spouse in marriage is a continuous process that must be diligently worked at to be made the best it can be. If I only think of compromise as a way to “end an argument or dispute” by giving up something I want and my husband giving up something that he wants, then we are likely going to have disputes more often. Compromise used as a tool in this way almost paints marital conflict- which is inevitable in some way or form- in a regretful light; “neither one of us gets what we want in this situation because we both had to compromise”. In this way compromise is a lesser choice compared to getting what I want.

In my college conflict classes, I learned that compromise isn’t the best way to deal with conflict. (Although it is better than the other methods; competing, avoiding, and accommodating). The reason compromise isn’t ideal is that neither party is getting what they want, giving those needs up for a second best option. You each are coming to the table on opposite ends with your own ideas to attempt to work out a deal that somewhat satisfies or placates those needs. It’s “Deal or No Deal” like the Competing method of handling conflict unless someone gives in.

So what is the better what to handle conflict (and the better mindset to have in marriage overall) according to my degree studies? Collaboration. The same dictionary defines collaboration as

(verb) : to work with another person or group to achieve or do something

Instead of coming separately to different ends of the negotiating table, you sit on the same side as your spouse. You work together to define common grounds of agreement and uncover what needs each individual is seeking to have met. Then you work together to come up with a solution that meets both individuals’ needs, resulting in satisfaction, enrichment of relationship, and a growing confidence about working together.

Of course, I shouldn’t just have this compromising or collaborative mindset when a problem arises! Rather, both of us should be working at maintaining a mindset that develops oneness and unity between husband and wife. As the second definition of compromise states, I should be “combin[ing] the qualities of two different things” every day; in other words, I should be thinking of ways to bring both me and my husband (two different people with different needs and mentalities) together into one God-glorifying unit. Being selfless has a huge part to play in this beautiful yet difficult combination of two souls. Are we going to have disagreements? Of course. Are we going to have two different mindsets about different situations? I am quite sure that eventually we will be opposed in some manner. But if I come to the table with a heart that has been focused on Christ, that has laid down selfishness and brings forth a willingness to compromise, and I actively engage in collaboration with my love, I am positive we will tackle disagreements with grace and find solutions together that a far better than ones decided separately.

It’s a process. Life is messy, but dealing with conflict doesn’t have to be. It isn’t a game of “Deal or No Deal” but rather “Let’s Create a Deal Together that Satisfies Us Both”. We both have to be willing to give up or give in, but that doesn’t mean we have to be unhappy with the results. Or so I am learning.

Do you have any thoughts about dealing with conflict, compromise, or collaboration? I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Entering His World: the door is open, will you go in?

I had never thought about the significance of the Biblical account of Jesus calling Peter out to walk on the water.

Why is it included in the Gospels? Peter did not have to walk on the water. It wasn’t a miracle that healed the sick or fed a multitude. I mean, yeah, you could say Jesus was calling Peter to grow his faith and the disciples got to see another miracle of their Leader. And many could point out that through this story, we see how Christ is Commander of all creation and can calm our raging seas.

But Sunday, our pastor brought up an interesting perspective: “What if Jesus called Peter out on to because He delights in bringing us into His world?”

Wow. Think about that. Consider the implications in your own life.

Where in the Bible do you see people seeking after God and God turning them away? Our God desires and delights in those seeking to follow Him. He offers us a life without limits through faith. He is pleased when we pursue a life of faith; He takes pleasure in growing our intimacy with Him.

This perspective on the well-known Bible story really challenged me and opened my eyes to see to a greater degree how loving my Savior is. I walked away from Sunday’s sermon feeling energized and encouraged to take every opportunity to enter my Savior’s world. He has given me an open invitation- through His death and resurrection He has opened the door into His world that I may enter in and fellowship with Him as my Lord and Friend. What an awesome thought! What a loving King I serve. Oh to know Him more!

Entering His World: the door is open, will you go in?

This sermon and realization was very timely, as this weekend I had the opportunity to enter into another world – my husband’s world.

If someone were to ask me what my favorite activities are, fishing would not be on that list. I hate the smell of fish, I’m too impatient to wait to catch the fish, I hate touching the fish, and I feel bad for the worms being used as bait. It takes place in nature, which isn’t bad in and of itself, but there are bugs, and bug bites, and gross stuff (like multiple dead and decaying fish on the beach)…

However, one thing that is at the top of my favorite activities list is spending time with my husband. We both enjoy the great outdoors, adventures, and quiet time together. So Sunday, when I realized we had no plans, I needed to work on my blog, and we had a gorgeous day ahead of us, I asked my husband if I could enter his world. The look of surprise on his face when I asked if he wanted to go fishing was very rewarding in and of itself. And you know what? I ended up having a wonderful time with my love! Not only did I make progress on drafting some blog posts and planning while enjoying the gorgeous weather and view by the dam, but I actually engaged in fishing itself and got a few fish, which impressed my husband. We had fun fishing together, getting excited over each others catches, and taking lots of pictures. It was a wonderful day of memories that we would have missed out on if I didn’t take the open invitation to join my husband’s world.

It goes both ways; my husband has often taken the invitation to enter into my world. Last Saturday my love offered to drive over an hour away to take me on a shopping trip to my favorite stores (Target makes me happy and JCPenney is easy to shop). He even splurged to take me out to dinner so that I didn’t have to cook when we got home. Now, my husband isn’t a fan of shopping, or trying things on, or spending money when we don’t have to. But he selflessly entered my world to make me happy and to make memories together. That trip was really fun too!

We are learning many lessons together as newlyweds. Selflessness is such an important factor in loving the other; and it’s an act that reaps beautiful results. So I challenge you to enter your spouse’s world. You won’t regret it!

(This will be my last post for this week- Yay for family coming into town!!! Next Monday I’ll pick back up with The Dangerousness of Defensiveness, followed by Deal or No Deal? Comprehending Compromise, and a few others!)

Do you have any thought to add? Or a story of how entering your love’s world had beautiful, memory-making results? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

1 Marriage Tip to Grow You Closer

I’m a newlywed. Pre-wedding me would not have thought newlyweds were very credible marriage advisers – especially with less than two months under the married belt. However, I have seen many marriages and observed practices between couples. I’ve eagerly read many marriage blogs. Plus, I’ve taken too many college classes on teamwork, collaboration, and understanding human connections. All of these experiences have given me a unique insight into the first few weeks of our own marriage. And now, married me believes that whether you’ve been married 40 years or 4 days, experience brings about the ability to give sage advice.

1 Marriage Tip to Grow You Closer

Although there are hundreds of thousands of marriage tips available online – and I’ve read many Christian-based ones myself– there is one tip I don’t know that I’ve read. However, I believe it is very important in strengthening a marriage.

My 1 marriage tip to grow you closer:


This tip implies that a few things are in place in your marriage:
1) Honest communication
2) Closeness/trust
3) Excitement about each other and the future

My love is a man of many ideas and dreams. He is an innovative humanitarian; his future plans are focused on improving the environment around us and enriching the lives of those in our community. He is destined for greatness and fulfilling a greater purpose – but what I love most about his dreams is the glimpse into his humility, excitement, and kind heart.

This past weekend we went on a few little adventures that gave us ample time to talk. One question prompted a deep discussion of our future here and attending a town event led to talk of what we wanted to accomplish.

What a conversation that followed! We started to dream together. We brainstormed details of different events we wanted to design and pull off in our community next year. We bounced off ideas, names, activities; we built on with the other suggested; and we both got excited about all that we were going to accomplish together. For one of the first times in our young married life, we were getting excited about working together for a greater purpose.

We were dreaming together – and it grew us closer.

For the rest of the evening- and the weekend that followed- we felt a deeper sense of intimacy and togetherness. We laughed a lot and had so much fun. I believe that this was due to the fact that dreaming together united us in yet another way as husband and wife. It took our focus off the everyday, the mundane, the struggles we are facing in the moment; and, instead, inspired us and excited us about our future life together. My love and I have engaged in numerous conversations about the logistical aspects of our future- when we want to buy a house, start a family, where to move, how to serve in church, etc. But there is something special about dreaming together about the exciting things you wish to do in the future, if God allows. I am looking forward to many more dreaming moments with my husband in the months of marriage to come.

Have you ever dreamed together in your marriage? What did you think about the experience? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Another Weekend in our Wonderful Wurld

This weekend was perfect. It’s been one of only a handful of times my love and I have been in our town for a whole weekend and we made the most of it with several mini-adventures, memory-making, and a lot of relaxation! I also worked in some time to plan and draft some posts for the blog while my love was fishing. All the writing will come to fruition this week, along with some details about our fun.

I eventually took a break from writing in my notebook and picked up a pole. Caught two big fish all by myself! I would have made my dad proud.
I eventually took a break from writing in my notebook and picked up a pole. Caught two big fish all by myself! I would have made my dad proud.
Such a scenic drive everywhere we go.
Such a scenic drive everywhere we go.
Every night we get to experience sunsets like this and even prettier. God's handiwork takes my breath away.
Every night we get to experience sunsets like this and even prettier. God’s handiwork takes my breath away.

In the meantime, I am getting our place ready for our first family visit this week! I cannot wait to host my family in our humble abode for the weekend! My poor mom and sister will be dragged all around to the little businesses I shop at as I want them to get a taste of my new life, while my love takes my dad to the best fishing holes in our area. Due to the extra buzz of the planning and readying of this weekend, I’ll be cutting down to three posts this week and next (instead of five a week). Some of the topics I want to cover (starting Wednesday) will be:

  • 1 Marriage Tip to Grow Closer to Your Spouse
  • Entering His World : the door is open, will you go in?
  • Deal or No Deal? Comprehending Compromise
  • Pinterest Pining- Discovering Discontentment

(yes, there is some alliteration in the titles: it makes me happy and it’s hard to resist!)

I am also trying to organize my new website the way that I want. I just switched over to being self-hosted and have found that it’s much harder than I thought! If you have any suggestions for best WordPress plugins or practices, please let me know in the comments! I always see these beautiful, flawless blogging websites and now I wonder in amazement- how did they pull that off??

What Marriage Has Made Different : Savoring

This is Part 5 in my What Marriage Has Made Different series. You can read the other posts here:
Part 1: Surprises
Part 2: Sweetness
Part 3: Sacredness
Part 4: Scariness


Though it was only a five month long engagement, the countdown to the big day seemed to take forever. Even with all the wedding planning that occurred during these months, “real life” -distance, jobs, and college classes- made our wedding day seem like a far-off fairytale. My love lived 5.5 hours away, so in general, we only saw each other every other weekend. Phone calls, email, texting, and Skype became precious tools of technology for us. Every visit was filled with late nights, early mornings, and busy days. I wrote down descriptions of our dates, what wedding details we accomplished together, what special memories we made, and took lots of pictures- shamelessly filling my social media with the faces of us lovebirds. We had to make the most of our time together, feeling a fervent compelling to SAVOR every minute we could.

What an amazing change, then, to become married and, for the first time in our life see each other every day, to talk face-to-face, and to leave the 30 minute tearful end-of-the-weekend-goodbyes in our past! We were together every moment that first week, traveling across the country for our honeymoon, taking in the sights, and soaking up the feeling of being together. Even when my love went back to work and we felt as if we did not get to see each other as much as we wanted, we still were overwhelmed with excitement of our constant time together compared to our engagement and dating days. But something else changed. Now, instead of a week seeming like a month as time dragged by (like in our engagement period), every day flies by faster than ever. Fourteen days seem like four and we are left wondering- where has time gone?

Now that we are always together, savoring the moments in our marriage takes more effort. Our married life is so sweet, our adventures so fun, our conversations deep and enlightening, it’s easy to just enjoy the moment and move on to the next thing. But after three weeks of marriage I had a realization of my great lack of pictures or recorded memories of our time together. I learned that savoring the moments in our marriage needed to be an active process my mind was engaging in. I don’t want to forget the first time we looked at a house together, or that sunset walk that took our breath away, or that road trip where we turned up the radio and sang countless country songs together. I don’t want to let slip from my memory all the sweet comments my husband made to me when I felt like a failure, or those moments we laughed so hard I cried over some silly conversation, or when we treated ourselves to ice cream on our walk home from the park. I want to be in the mindset of savoring the everyday moments with my best friend and love. Proverbs 17:22 says, “a joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”

Our life is so sweet; but, if I don’t savor the sweetness, I’ll end up focusing on the sour.

I have so much to be thankful for and so many blessings to find joy in. I pray that as God continues to work in our life together, I would remember to write down the special moments, take pictures of our happy adventures, and savor all the surprises, sweetness, sacredness, and scariness that’s been overcome.

God is good; marriage is making things different; and our lives are a wonderful result!

Thanks for checking out my first series on marriage and newlywed life! If you have any comments on the series, or on how you savor the little things in your marriage, I’d love to hear about it below!